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/ Undifined / Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power

Purple Corn Anti-Inflammatory Power

Most of us know little about the dangers of inflammation. We don't fear it as we do deadly diseases like cancer and diabetes. But little do we know that a lot of cancers are caused by inflammation, and even the side effect of some diabetes maintenance drugs can cause deadly inflammation, too. Inflammation is deadly but thank God there is purple corn anti-inflammatory power..

Aside from inflammation resulting to cancer there are other health menaces derived from the same source. For instance, all diseases with the suffix "itis" are due to inflamed body parts. Meningitis, for instance, is a deadly swelling of the brain due to a virus that penetrated its protective layer. Often, this is due a high fever that was not immediately treated and the fever causing virus gained entry into the brain. However, purple corn anti-inflammatory power can help alleviate, if not eradicate, the deadly inflammation.

We also have gingivitis, which is the swelling and bleeding of the gums, which at first glance doesn't look that deadly and is often ignored or relegated to more toothbrushing or gargling. But once the swelling gets worse and bacteria breed there, the infection can cause abnormal swelling and dangerously affect the jaw bone and cause gangrene that leads to bone cancer. Aside from dental and medical treatment, purple corn anti-inflammatory power can help reduce the incidence of gum swelling and infection. 

Purple corn flavonoids and polyphenols have anti-viral and anti-infection actions that help stave off infection and its damaging results. So these plus the anti swelling property can effectively eliminate the occurrence of abnormal enlargements that can lead to cancer.

Bone, vein, and tendon related ailments like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and the like are all due to painfully inflamed veins and tendons, and the pain radiates to the bones so that even small movements involving bone sockets and joints cause punishment. But these swellings can easily be neutralized by purple corn anti-inflammatory power, and those caused by high uric acid count can easily be washed out by the detoxification effects of the juice.

However, if inflammatory pains are neglected they can cause wear and tear on tendons and bones and later result to bone density problems. That need not happen, and it can all be prevented if you take purple corn juice regularly, even with your maintenance drug. Remember, prevention is better than cure. For prevention, a daily dosage of 20 ml is good enough. For pain relief and treatment, take 30 to 50 ml a day

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